Negative news about the severity of addictions and the number of overdoses is spread far and wide. However, it’s also important to talk about how approximately 22.35 million Americans have successfully recovered from their addictions by getting help and seeking treatment options. And every day, this number increases as more people recognize that they want to recover and go on to live healthier lives.
When you’re taking steps to recover, you will encounter a barrage of information about addiction treatment options. You might also have difficulty in choosing an addiction treatment center. As we previously wrote in our blog post, there are several criteria you need to consider when choosing addiction centers, such as its certifications, staff, and methods. Likewise, you need to apply the same principles to your treatment options.
Treatments are not one-size-fits-all – there are treatments that can work for others but could be detrimental to your recovery. Choosing the best one that will fit you means that you need to know more about each option. Read through them below.
Inpatient Rehab
If you are looking for patient care with a structured treatment program, an inpatient rehab might be your best option. Through this treatment, patients will reside in a facility where they will receive 24/7 medical care. In addition, the facilities usually offer a substance-free space and complementary therapy sessions.
Inpatient rehab is one of the most common treatment options. Most see it as a good option because it provides a safe place where you can always have help. Here, treatment plans can be customized based on your needs. It is also the recommended option if you have an underlying medical condition because your health is always monitored.
Outpatient Rehab
Outpatient rehab is also a good treatment for those trying to recover from addiction. It offers you some of the same treatment options as inpatient rehab, but without the need for patients to stay in a facility. This option provides a way for you to stay with your loved ones in the comfort and security of your own home.
Outpatient rehab is less restrictive and requires only 10 to 12 hours of treatment center time. This rehab focuses on group sessions, individual counseling, and teaching people how to deal with their addiction. This is the best option for you if your addiction is mild or if you are looking for a long-term treatment program.
Virtual Rehab
Similarly, virtual rehab is an option where you can receive care via the internet. You will have a specialized healthcare provider that is trained for this virtual style of medicine. This way, your physicians, nursing practitioners, and therapists can utilize new strategies such as online applications, games, and software that will help in your recovery. Case in point, the Prairie Ridge Integrated Behavioral Healthcare in Iowa offers telehealth addiction recovery services to clients. This is all made possible by how modern health practitioners are trained. Remote nurse practitioners in Iowa, and all other US states, are required to be extensively trained to handle virtual care. This includes knowing urgent care treatments for behavioral health.
Virtual rehab also allows therapists to monitor your progress as well as check in on you on a more frequent basis. This treatment option is also cost-efficient as long as you have your smart devices.
One of the downsides of addiction recovery is the phase of withdrawal. Withdrawal can affect your physical and mental health – sometimes to the point of being dangerous. This is why detoxification is needed to safely curb withdrawal symptoms. This treatment option clears the body of any addictive substance you consumed.
Detoxification safely cleanses your body without you having to experience the worst of any substance withdrawal. There are medicines prescribed to help assist in your recovery, but they will slowly lessen and stop once you are no longer dependent on any substance.
If you, or somebody you know is struggling with addiction, we hope the above treatment options prove to be useful.